
PT Pilar Putra Mahakam

PT Pilar Putra Mahakam (PPM) is a professional marine transportation service company for the maritime industry established in 2008. PPM specializes in transporting coal, minerals, and other bulk cargo.

PPM cooperates with various coal and mineral mining and trading companies in Indonesia, along with several smelter companies. Our partners include PT Arutmin Indonesia, PT PLN Batubara Niaga, PT Pelayaran Bahtera Adhiguna, PT EPS Global Link Indonesia, PT Prima Dharma Karsa, PT Growth Java Industry, and PT Cemindo Gemilang Tbk.

PPM offers a comprehensive range of services, including the rental of tugboats and barges for time charter and freight charter, catering to transhipment and long towing requirements. Additionally, PPM provides tug assist and mother vessels to support various business activities. Moreover, PPM specializes in vessel management and tailors customized solutions to fulfill specific customer needs, fostering enduring partnerships based on long-term collaboration.

Our Company Structure

PT Pilar Putra Mahakam has a management system based on ISO and ISM Code, supported by professional and experienced management.

The organizational structure of PT Pilar Putra Mahakam is as listed below :

struktur organisasi

Our Team

Meet our team that consists of industry professionals. Each one of them has long life experience in their own particular field.

The Commissioners